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  • 21/06/2010 Fishing Report by Gethyn Owen on My Way 2 (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)

    21 Jun 2010 by Gethyn Owen

    Report on-board My Way 2

    Our previous report dated 20th June relayed the woes of having to change tact with or plans for the day. With boat fishing being at the mercy of the weather gods, sometimes we have to accept a change and try out best. This report shows the difference a day can make.

    Following the inshore restrictions of 20th June, the win had decreased to no more than a gentle breeze; best of all, the sea had barely a ripple disturbing the reflection of the bright sunshine – the deeps was certainly on the cards for today.

    As with most of our trips off to the deeper water, the day started off making away around Holy Island to the South Stack area for some mackerel, pollack, wrasse and coalies. Similar to the previous day plenty of wrasse and good pollack came to the boat along with some codling, sadly though when trying for mackerel … nothing.
    We always take frozen mackerel with us and invariably the mackerel is never aound when you need it and with Holyhead Deep being an extremely tidal mark, you are under pressure to get on your mark to take in the slack water.

    Whilst making the 8mile journey SW of the Lighthouse, all the crew readied their tackle and baits n preparation for some big fish action. Order for the day was to be huss, spurdog and tope. April and May had fished extremely well for us with numerous tope up to 30lb being boated, so thoughts in anticipation of bigger sharks were rife. Sadly on this occasion the tope proved elusive, thought the deeps proved yet again why it is a very popular venue with our anglers by offering numerous double figure huss and just short of 3dozen double figure spurs for the 6lads on board, with the best spur reaching little over 16lb.

    What a difference a day makes, let’s hope the weather allows everyone some fantastic sport in months to come!

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