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  • 12/2018 Fishing Report by Kevin McKie on Size Matters (Craobh Haven, Argyll & Bute)

    Dec 2018 by Kevin McKie

    Report on-board Size Matters

    [This report was written when Size Matters was operating from Plymouth]

    Well if there was ever a year for a charter boat, 2018 was definitely Size Matters year.

    We had the biggest fishing article feature in Sea Angler Magazine for over 10 years and managed two front covers!!!

    Sponsorship from Shimano UK with a full range of new tackle to be used in 2019.

    During 2018 we helped our anglers catch some truly amazing fish in UK waters.

    Six Gill Sharks to 512lb ( Unofficial British record),
    Blue Fin Tuna to 366lb (Accidental Catch).
    Porbeagle Shark to 300lb.
    Common Skate to 220lb.
    White Skate to 160lb (Unofficial British record),
    Blue Shark to 130lb,
    Blue Skate to 40lb (Unofficial British record).
    All this in just the space of five months!!!

    That’s Six different species of fish in UK waters over 100lb, we also are the only boat in the UK to have ever caught all 3 species of Giant Skate!!!

    You may be wondering how the hell we can better this next year, well we sure are going to try.

    We have now changed our code of practice, we can now stay at sea for up to four days at a time, fully insured.

    We now have a fully fitted shower with hot fresh water onboard, Satellite phone, all new safety equipment, three different appliances have been fitted for cooking meals, sleeping accommodation for four anglers and two crew.

    It was costly to do this but we know this is going to be the future of UK charter fishing.

    The charters we have planned over the next two years are going to push UK charter fishing to it’s limit!!!

    All we need to make these charters happen is good weather and a bit of luck on our side.

    Please note we do not target for Blue Fin Tuna and do not offer Blue Fin Tuna fishing charters.

    We still have a few individual places available for Scotland in spring 2019.

    Plymouth 2019 is fully booked and we only have 8 days available in 2020 from Plymouth.

    We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our friends, customers and fellow skippers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Tight Lines and Screaming Reel’s!!!

    Kevin Mckie
    Size Matters

    #Liverpool #Scotland #Plymouth #Shimano #Mckiesfishingcharters

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