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  • 03/2019 Fishing Report by Kevin McKie on Size Matters (Craobh Haven, Argyll & Bute)

    Mar 2019 by Kevin McKie

    Report on-board Size Matters

    Well the last two days have been very eventful, for the lads from Gerry’s of Morcambe Fishing Tackle Shop.

    On the first day and first drop Jack fought for
    1 hour and 55mins what I thought was a big Blue Fin Tuna, before it went into a shallow reef.

    We never seen the fish at all during the fight and only once we got it 5ft from the surface about 30 yards from the boat.

    We all know seals can not hold there breath for 1 hour 55mins, we have encountered them before on a few occasions in the past.

    After we lossed the fish I just couldn’t stop thinking about it and the Skate fishing took a back seat.

    Once we got back on the anchor the lads started catching Skate to 205lb, they finished with 7 in total.

    On day two as we where steaming out all I was thinking about was that big fish we lossed the day before.

    I personally started to think it might of been a porgie tail hooked and that’s why the fight resembled a Tuna, but my gut instinct said it was a Tuna because I have caught so many over the years.

    As we turned up at the same spot I dropped the anchor, once the boat set just right in the tide I said to the lads they where good to go.

    As they where dropping there baits down I walked into the wheel house and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing on the sonar.

    Three marks that resemble Blue Fin Tuna just like the ones I see nearly every day out of Plymouth from August to October.

    I got the lads chunking just so we could get them up on the surface to get a video, but sadly they disappeared.

    The lads kept chunking all day while skate fishing but they never returned.

    The lads went on to catch 12 Skate to 199lb, with two triple hook ups.

    Darren Breen was top rod with Skate of 205lb and 199lb, followed by Stephen Kane with a nice fish of 199lb.

    Massive thanks to the lads at Gerry’s of Morcambe for there excellent team work and good banter onboard.

    Please note we are fully aware we are not allowed to target Blue Fin Tuna in UK waters and the ones we have caught in the passed have always been accidental while Shark fishing.

    I am sure from now till mid June in Scotland there will be many more surprises for the anglers onboard Size Matters.

    Kevin Mckie
    Size Matters (Scotland)


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