Latest Fishing Reports: Kent

  • 04/11/2012 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    4 Nov 2012 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    Fine fishing to be had around Ramsgate with good numbers of Thornbacks moving into our area at the moment along with Cod, Whiting and Pout. We just need the weather to calm down to get out there. Bills group on a works outing yesterday had plenty of action with some quality Whiting to go with the Skate. Herring proved to be the bait of choice for the Skate with lug/squid cocktails for the Whiting. To catch the Cod requires large squid or cuttle baits to avoid the attention of the smaller fish, with the Whiting on the baits as soon as they hit bottom or rig one as livebait, always a chance of a large Bass or lunker Cod taking the bait.
    The Skate fishing will continue through the winter provided the netters don't hammer them and the Cod fishing should improve until the Sprats arrive in January lifting the Cod off the bottom making them even more difficult to catch.
    We will continue our Thursday individuals trips throughout the winter so call to book your place or book Duke IV, 6hrs for just £300 for up to 10 fishing.

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  • 23/10/2012 Fishing Report by Gareth John on Hurricane (Isle of Sheppey, Kent)

    23 Oct 2012 by Gareth John

    Report on-board Hurricane

    well the cod have arrived and it looks like it could be a good year.
    the average size is 6lb with bigger ones among them and reports from the commercial lads tell me that there are much more on the way up the estuary.
    we have had a good run of smoothounds up until 2 weeks ago and also found plenty off bass but these are all but gone now apart from the few stragglers.
    the weather reports are not good for the coming week lets just hope they got it wrong so we can enjoy some decent sport after last years terrible cod season for us in the estuary.
    now all the dredging cable laying and general upheaval has ended it seems we can enjoy the good fishing the estuary has to offer again.
    latest report just 2 of us had a day out yesterday in thick fog and calm seas we managed 8 nice cod to 8lb and lost count of the big channel whiting plus we had one thornback ray of 6lb.

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  • 20/10/2012 Fishing Report by steve harris on Dentex (Chatham, Kent)

    20 Oct 2012 by steve harris

    Report on-board Dentex

    The cod have arrived so we had had a great weekend.
    Average size 3lb to 8lb with also some big ones 17s and 20s around so all good out there in the medway and thames estuary.
    Still plenty of skate too.
    So if you want to get out there give me a call

    Prices for midweek £250.00 for whole boat upto 8 people 6am till 4pm.

    Bait can be supplied.

    Rod & and tackle hire is free.

    All the best steve

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  • 09/10/2012 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    9 Oct 2012 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    Busy time here at Ramsgate with the summer species moving out and the winter Cod, Skate and Whiting moving in. The Doggies will stay, keeping you busy so plenty of action to be had.
    The Hounds are heading South now passing through our area nicely fattened up on summer crab, they will be here with the Bass for some weeks yet.
    With the water becoming more coloured plenty of bait is the way to go so load up the hooks with worm, squid and herring for the Skate.
    Sids group from Essex enjoyed Sunday aboard Duke IV catching lots of fish with Sean sorting out the better ones including the 8lb 12oz Skate pictured.
    From November we are offering 6hr fishing trips aboard Duke IV, any day for just £300 for the boat so plenty of time to get amongst the Cod & Skate but not too long to get cold. Some weekend dates still available just call or email to book your trip.

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  • 22/04/2013 Fishing Report by Roger Lennon on Skerry Belle (Ramsgate, Kent)

    22 Apr 2013 by Roger Lennon

    Report on-board Skerry Belle

    BASS!BASS!BASS! Are just round the for best tides,but be quick .Some great cod fishing at the moment! John Barnes showed us how to do it with this cracking cod of 19lb caught on whole cuttle. Plenty of fish in the 4-8lb bracket coming up on large lug baits. We will be targeting the deep water cod venues and wrecks in April/May, which can produce some huge fish and plenty of them once the cod have gauged on the sprats. Call Roger for best tides 07805250427.
    April/May are also great months for the skate fishing out on the Goodwins, where 14lb fish are caught and provide great sport on uptide methods, the chosen bait here being fresh Herring.
    Hope to see you all soon onboard Bayside for another cracking season,and plenty more pbs.
    Tight Lines,

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  • 25/09/2012 Fishing Report by David Hancock on Excel 2 (Whitstable, Kent)

    25 Sep 2012 by David Hancock

    Report on-board Excel 2

    The inshore cod season is almost upon us,
    the evenings are drawing in and the Lugworms are getting restless !

    Now booking for daytime and evening Cod and Whiting trips.

    Look through our picture gallery on website
    No Bullshite, we get results.

    Hope to see you soon,

    Keep it tight,


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  • 10/09/2012 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    10 Sep 2012 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    Interesting fishing on Duke IV at the moment with plenty of species around now with Bass and Smoothound inshore along with Whiting, Skate and Mackerel.
    Offshore where the water is crystal clear. There are still some cracking Cod to be had from the many wrecks off Ramsgate. The fishing has been tough at times with the Cod numbers reducing as autumn approaches but the group last thursday stuck at it and kept fishing the lures, catching a fish here and there, slowly making up a good catch of quality fish including a nice Black Bream for Tom that took his jellyworm.
    Inshore the coloured water we have been finding lately makes it difficult catching mackerel for bait and having to rely on frozen does not help with the Skate fishing. These fish will be moving inshore now for the winter, they keep the fishing interesting along with the Cod and Whiting that are more expected as the temperature drops. Whiting numbers increasing now, they can be frustrating grabbing the Smoothound and Bass baits but these fish make up the bulk of the large Bass's diet so always worth trying the small ones for bait.
    Duke IV will be fishing throughout the winter including our popular thursday trips for singles and small groups and our prices remain the same as last year so just call to book your place on a fast modern Charterboat that gets you fishing quickly and comfortably.
    Pic shows regulars Alan & Stu with couple of wreck Cod
    Bob, Owner/Skipper Duke IV

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  • 19/08/2012 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    19 Aug 2012 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    We are enjoying some good fishing here at Ramsgate at the moment with many species available. Good numbers of Bass and Smoothounds with a few Thornbacks being landed. Heindrics crew over from Belgium had a good 5 days with plenty of Bass up to 6lbs along with Hounds and some nice Skate with Luke landing a sizeable Turbot. These fish often show in the nets but not often to the rods so a nice surprise on mackerel strip. As usual catching mackerel for bait has often proven difficult with coloured water and a lack of fish to catch being the problem. We have substituted whiting for livebait getting good results then they too became more difficult.
    The Hounds are now moving out from the Estuary so a good chance of picking up some of these fine fish with crab being the favourite bait but lug/squid cocktail baits work well although the Doggies also relish this bait so they can be a problem.
    Terry caught a nice Hound along with Bass and Whiting on individuals day last thursday and Brians crew fom London today managed Hound and Skate with the Whiting and Doggies making up the numbers although 3 hours on a favourite Bass mark without a fish was unfortunate with only Doggies and a Hound being landed.
    Our last trip to the wrecks was good with some nice Cod and Pollack to the jellies and shads until the increasing wind made fishing impossible and we had to head inshore where the crew managed Skate and Hounds along with the Whiting and Doggies.
    The wrecks should continue to fish well through September, weather permitting and we will be looking for some more and larger Turbot also Black Bream that arrive here around this time. Large Bass should be here in numbers for the next couple of months although being thin on the ground up to now has been disappointing, perhaps the lack of mackerel has been the problem or maybe the massive overfishing of this species by the commercial fleets that must be reducing their numbers.
    Dates available throughout September for individuals and full boat groups on Duke IV so come along and enjoy the varied fishing we have available around Ramsgate.
    Pic shows John with a nice Hound he landed today!
    Tight lines, Bob. Skipper Duke IV.

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  • 10/08/2012 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    10 Aug 2012 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    The fishing here at Ramsgate just gets better with Hiendricks crew over from Belgium on a 5 day fishing stint aboard Duke IV. Jules a lively 78 year old started the fish feast with a couple of nice Bass on live whiting, Heindrick followed with a larger fish on a similar rig. After landing a few more and losing a few we moved out to have a go for the Skate using the fresh mackerel we had feathered earlier. We managed a couple of fish fairly quickly. The crew had opted for a 6 hr day and just before anchor up the guy fishing the stern hooked into a serious Bass that led him a merry dance that ended when the hook length parted just before we could get the net under the double figure fish!
    Still some weekend dates available in September so don't miss out on the fantastic fishing this autumn. For comfort, speed and a great fishing experience book Duke IV.

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  • 26/07/2012 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    26 Jul 2012 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    Sunday 22nd saw us heading North, starting the day feathering Mackerel for bait. Along with the macks came a Gurnard, the cloudy waters made the mackereling hard but we ended up with enough for bait so onto the roads for Smoothies, Whiting, Doggies and a nice Bass for Steve. another move to the sands for Skate and a lovely little Turbot with most fish returned by Davids crew from Herne Bay.
    Today we headed out to the wrecks where the building NE breeze caused the sea to pick up but the crew managed some tasty Cod before we were forced to head for shelter behind the Goodwin sands, stopping off for some Mackerel on the Falls bank. The fresh mackerel made for good bait with Olivia landing her first Bass and Sam landing a nice Hound. Not huge fish but certainly plenty of species around at the moment giving some interesting fishing!

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