Latest Fishing Reports: Kent

  • 23/07/2012 Fishing Report by steve harris on Dentex (Chatham, Kent)

    23 Jul 2012 by steve harris

    Report on-board Dentex

    Hi everyone just thought id keep you up to date with a short report.

    Lots of nice Bass coming up loads of hounds,skate and mackys what more could ask for without having to go to far.

    Lets hope it carrys on.

    All the best steve

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  • 13/07/2012 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    13 Jul 2012 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    Despite the awful weather we are still getting out to the fish on Duke IV. We visited the wrecks yesterday in the small weather window and all the anglers caught fish, mostly Cod with a few Pollock and a single Bass for Andy who was visiting Kent from Australia. Chris who often fishes with us caught the biggest Cod of the day a touch over 10lb. Young Robbie who was suffering with seasickness due to the swelly conditions managed
    his first Cod, a fish around 6lb that could not resist the black n red jellyworm.
    Today with the weather much better than forcast we headed north with Gregs group on a corporate day. Plenty of fish were landed with the doggies being thick on the ground. Greg landed a School Bass followed by a nice Skate. The wind then picked up and we headed inshore where Darren landed two nice Bass, best being 5lb+ in concecutive casts on mackerel chunks. We headed further inshore for some Mackerel and a small Gurnard.
    Still spaces this Sunday and next Thursday 19th for individuals. Come to Ramsgate for some great fishing!
    Bob Duke IV

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  • 25/09/2012 Fishing Report by Roger Lennon on Skerry Belle (Ramsgate, Kent)

    25 Sep 2012 by Roger Lennon

    Report on-board Skerry Belle

    As the evenings start to chill, and we start to loose the daylight hours, the only thing that is on our minds is cod fishing. (Well myn anyway lol.) And guess what Tom brings up-a nice bass. Still finding plenty of hounds, still getting a few skate on the Goodwins and some really good whiting. Going to really be targeting the cod now, so get yourself a good bucket of worms, and get yourself onboard the Bayside!
    Thanks to all,
    Roger. Skipper of Bayside.

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  • 30/06/2012 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    30 Jun 2012 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    We are enjoying some fine fishing on Duke IV out from Ramsgate with some good Skate, Bass and Hounds inshore whilst out on the wrecks when we can get there we are landing plenty of Cod along with a sprinkling of Pollack. The wind is causing problems by stirring up the water, just as it clears from the last blow. This breaks up the Mackerel shoals making them difficult to catch for bait, the Skate and Bass much prefer fresh to frozen mackerel so always worth the effort to catch some.
    The Cod & Pollack seem to favour sandeel type lures on the wrecks greedily engulfing them so there must be plenty of fish competing for the baits. Last thursday gave us a weather window and we were able to get out there with a crew of individuals who had a great day landing fish all day with Steve landing a large Tub Gurnard that took his pirk and Danny landing a lovely dark Cod pictured.

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  • 21/06/2012 Fishing Report by Gareth John on Hurricane (Isle of Sheppey, Kent)

    21 Jun 2012 by Gareth John

    Report on-board Hurricane

    The fishing has been very good with good bags of smoothound thornback rays and bass when the weather allows us to get to the marks.
    Also I have seen a few mackerel starting to show with a lot of bird activity which could also mean bass.
    My regulars just cannot get enough and return almost every week the only problem is the weather just seems to let us down most weekends which is frustrating because I know good fishing is to be had .
    The Medway has been producing a few bass mostly small but the odd good one with also dogs and whiting for mixed bags.
    Let's just hope summer returns and. The winds drop
    I will take small groups so don't worry about booking the whole boat because I love my fishing too and myself and my crewman will have a day out too
    Just give us a call

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  • 21/06/2012 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    21 Jun 2012 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    Good shoals of Mackerel have arrived at Ramsgate, bringing their predators with them. We have had Tope and some cracking Bass with Will on an individuals day aboard Duke IV showing the way today with two nice Bass on consecutive casts on the old favourite lug tipped with a squid head.
    The weather has been playing games with us, one minute the suns out then claps of thunder and the heavens open.
    Along with the above we have been getting some good catches of Skate with Brians crew from London landing twenty between just four anglers. Some big Smoothounds around too although these fish, like the Bass, very mobile, here today gone tomorrow. Thats what keeps the fishing interesting, you never know whats gonna be on the end of the line, just keep an eye on the rod, these fish are quite capable of pulling the rod over the gunnels. Pic shows first timer, Will with the two Bass. Well done shipmate!

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  • 27/06/2012 Fishing Report by Roger Lennon on Skerry Belle (Ramsgate, Kent)

    27 Jun 2012 by Roger Lennon

    Report on-board Skerry Belle

    At last the water temperature has hit the magical 13degs! and boy has this bought the bass on the feed! Alan and Gary took advantage of our June special (see top of page) and booked the whole boat for a days bassing and boy they wasnt disappointed. Some good bass landed and some even better ones lost. (unlucky Alan, that was a good fish.) Still some good hounds, skate, showing on crab and squid baits. Don't forget all my trips inc. rods, reels, tackle and some baits. 4hr bass and mackeral trips now in full swing (phone for times and details.) Still have some dates available for all day trips in July and August. Very Tight Lines, Roger.

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  • 02/06/2012 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    2 Jun 2012 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    The inshore fishing fishing here at Ramsgate is now at its best with Skate, Smoothounds & Bass!
    Mackerel are also here in ever increasing numbers. These fish bring with them the large Bass always on the lookout for a mackerel meal!
    Herring has been the bait of choice for the Skate throughout the winter but as summer moves on they are also looking for mackerel. Squid remains a fine bait for most species, the Hounds are very partial to it!
    The school Bass are shoaling and great fun on the feathers or Hokkie lures. Clear water is a must though and the NE winds we are getting can stir up the water, then lugworm become the bait of choice!
    Marina, Lin & Andrew fishing on Duke IV today landed Smoothounds, Skate, Mackerel and Bass!
    Still some weekend dates available on Duke IV!

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  • 15/05/2012 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    15 May 2012 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    We are currently enjoying some great fishing around Ramsgate with Cod, Pollock & Bass on the wrecks and the inshore fishing has improved with Skate, Smoothounds and Bass. As is always the case here these fish are keen not to be caught so plenty of good quality bait always helps. Herring has been the bait of choice for the Skate throughout the winter but as summer moves on they are looking more for mackerel, squid also works well. The hounds are here for the crabs, but will also take squid & squid cocktail baits. Bass can be caught on any of the above with lugworm a favourite inshore bait for the schoolies and whole mackerel fillets for the large Bass. We are hoping for a good mackerel year but we need calm clear seas for these fine fish, so far this spring we have had neither. Latest trips gave Jamies crew on a four hr trip plenty of doggies along with Skate & a 7.5lb Smoothound. On Sunday it was offshore to the wrecks with Nordwest Sports club for Cod, Pollock & Bass along with Gurnard and Mackerel on the way back to Ramsgate. Pic shows Joe with wreck Cod.

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  • 06/05/2012 Fishing Report by David Hancock on Excel 2 (Whitstable, Kent)

    6 May 2012 by David Hancock

    Report on-board Excel 2

    Bass catches are getting better and better by the day. Remember the Thames Estuary is the home of the British Record boat caught bass.
    One of our popular evening trips recently produced this 9lb whopper for Alex, aged 12 1\3, from Sevenoaks.

    I hope to see you soon either for fishing or sightseeing,



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