Latest Fishing Reports: High Flyer 2
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Fishing Report by jon old
26 Dec 2024 by jon old
Another year done big thanks to all our customers for your continued support without you we wouldnt exist. Looking forward to next year lets hope the weathers a bit kinder in summer lost no end of trips especially for the tope. Lost some good friends this year on the boat due to cancer and old age there memories carried with us been a tough year for me personally but life goes on hopefully i wont get bitten in 2025 or if i do the other leg to have matching scars! Next few months the toughest in my opinion weather obviously come march were off again running will be putting tope dates down very shortly get your name down the days go fast as you know. So all the best for New years guys have a beer or two for me catch up soon. Jon. High Flyer 2
Fishing Report by jon old
9 Oct 2024 by jon old
Bringing us up to date reasonably pleased with our summer season nice run of tope towards end of summer, bit thin on the ground for bass for us this year to be honest. At moment were all hoping for a bit of cold weather to bring any cod in already started with the whiting coming in still getting doggies and odd thornback. Got few new methods to try this year and few new baits on calmer winter days want to experiment if we can in deeper water willing to try anything. Few new amendments to the boat have added front splash guard to minimize spray seems to be working. New comfortable back seats seem to be popular! Finally the scotty rod holder parts have arrived from USA so all tip top condition. Our new rods arrive shortly so be pleased to have them. All we need now is fish and yourselves! Please get your name down for those weekend dates dont leave it till last minute we will be full especially boat bookings. Operating the deposit system now due to constant letdowns do not be offended just unfortunate way people seem to be nowdays cant operate a business on peoples word like the old days such a pity. So looking forward to winter comes see us will do our best for you.
Jon. High Flyer 2 -
Fishing Report by jon old
19 Aug 2024 by jon old
Keeping us to date been holiday time round Gt Yarmouth so family time nice to see small people aboard High Flyer 2 getting young anglers interested in the sport. At first most apprehensive about touching fish cutting bait putting on worms but by end of day all thats forgotten and we have budding anglers on our hands the future of angling. We sometiimes operate a shorter day in the summer at less cost for the younger generation so please ask regarding availability. Cheers Jon
Fishing Report by jon old
15 Aug 2024 by jon old
Well getting a few nice tope now biggest 70lb boat record for us not this one shown below before keyboard warriors start! Had biggest mackerel for along time so pleased about that. Most tope trips full unfortunately but we do get a cancellation so do get your name down on the list just text me 07920043979. Sep will be a bass month as most tides are strong after that we wind down to winter please get your name down on boat bookings as we have a problem every year people leave it till the last minute and days are gone especially if you want a weekend day running only one vessel now so bear that in mind. Few new ideas for this winter keeping it hush hush so you will have to come to see what were up to. Big thank you for all those supporting us on High Flyer 2 despite hard economic times we truly appreciate it and will continue to strive to put those fish on the hook. Until next time
Tight Lines
Jon -
Fishing Report by jon old
22 Jul 2024 by jon old
Up to date at last the weather seems to be playing ball. got first tope late this year well done to bill. Big mackerel so far better than last year still getting plenty smoothounds and usual spotty dogs. Unfortunately we seem to catch whiting all year round now the wrecks have given us a few cod but the pouting are difficult to wade through. Nice to see a couple of wrasse we never used to get them along with a strap conger things must be warming up our end. Looking like were going to enforce deposits now getting ridiculous the amount of letdowns cant run a business on peoples reliability nowdays such a shame so dont be offended if your asked all fully refundable on bad weather. Few places left on the tope days if you fancy your arms being stretched the high flyer is out water sep 23 for a week or so shown on website. Look forward to seeing you guys at sum point.
Jon -
Fishing Report by jon old
20 May 2024 by jon old
Bringing us up to date plenty of smoothounds about putting the big pregnant females back best so far touch over 17lb. Few thornbacks thrown in the mix bit slow on the bass for us at the mo to be honest seem to be hugging the shore up the rivers at the moment. looking forward to going offshore again next month after tope etc get your name down as limited with tides website up to date best text me for date. Picture today my good old mate eddy hanger sadly passed away with cancer was a great bloke will be sorley missed tight lines upstairs eddy the bites are constant and the bait dont run out up there! Was a pleasure to have known you bud. All best. jon High Flyer 2
Fishing Report by jon old
23 Mar 2024 by jon old
Windy day yesterday usual doggies and whiting few thrornbacks all female all returned best one about 10lb to dave warner well done mate. Looking windy next week again keep u posted if we're out. Thanks to everyone for putting up with weather was bit testing and apologies to Paulo seem to have lost his picture!!! Cheers
Jon. High flyer 2 -
Fishing Report by jon old
2 Mar 2024 by jon old
So guys looking forward to a break from all this lovely british weather constant wind and rain enough to test saints patience! We should start in next few weeks see few more thornbacks arrive along with the spotty dogs i know there a pain but break any boredom! i very much doubt we get a spring codling run your guess is as good as mine but past history leads me to believe we wont. Tons of herring and sprats around so will be stocking up on bait in next coming days if we can get out. The tope trips this year fall mainly on weekdays with few weekends just way tides are this year. This leaves us bass to go for during the stronger tides so not a bad thing. The tope dates will be on here july, Aug Sep so get your name down as fill quickly best to text me 07920043979 will get message soon as back inshore reception. We are running at £60 per day everything supplied on a normal trip and still £75 for tope havent put any prices up fuel seems to have levelled out for time being thank god. New legislation requires all mackerel caught for bait being kept alive as offence to have undersize fish onboard at anytime i know what your thinking so we will be running tanks to adhere so be aware and we will keep the frozen undersize that we buy separate to save confusion thanks IFCA. Well looking forward to being of service lets hope weather plays ball this year! until then tight lines
Fishing Report by jon old
2 Oct 2023 by jon old
Looking forward to colder weather lets hope the cod come in for us, been a strange year really with the wind in the summer north east alot not a great deal of mackerel or tope to speak of, now running just the one boat so bookings in advance neccessary or you will miss out. Going to enforce the paypal deposit system due to the constant letdown by people who dont have no respect for self employed who rely on your word for turning up i can only apoligise to the reliable people in this world who pay the penalty for these idiots comduct. I must apoligise for the lack of information this year but due to personal circumstances which are now getting sorted hopefully will get back to normal . So looking ahead already the whiting making a show odd codling this weekend on another local vessel so fingers crossed for this winter looking forward to being of service see you all soon. Jon High Flyer 2
Fishing Report by jon old
29 May 2023 by jon old
Up to date at last getting our summer species catching thornbacks ,spotty dogs, smoothounds bit slow on the bass at the moment. Will be updating more regular on here alot of personal circumstances have taken its toll lately hopefully back to normal soon. Website up to date our tope trips are filling up so get your name down for one. Picture today of regular paul with one of yesterdays thornbacks. Look forward to seeing you soon.
Jon. High Flyer 2