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  • 16/06/2015 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    16 Jun 2015 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    Terry here..!!! again..!! lol,
    Well as I told you, on Saturday just gone (13th July) we had that lovely 10 lbs Bass, and Jim who organized the trip I see has put a very nice review on here, so thank you Jim.

    There is a couple more photos I will attach of some of the Thornback Rays that were caught that day by other members of the party, I know they say that size doesn't always matter, (think some women may disagree..!!!) but seriously, here are some of the photos of the Rays, not the biggest in the world, but just look at the faces, and that my friends, tells the whole story..!!! it's call fishing, big fish, or not so big fish, that smile that says
    I'VE DONE IT.....!!!!! is the reward for any charter boat operator, then you know, you have done your job well..

    Sunday. (14th July) weather much improved from the previous 24 hours, we woke up to flat calm conditions, so we set off at 0700 and headed off-shore to look for Smoothounds and we found them on the very first mark we came too.

    We were all on our own, not a boat in sight, then about an hour later we had four other fishing boats in very close proximity..! but it didn't affect our fishing, not sure the other did so well though, it is a tight bit of ground and once one charter vessel is on it, there is very little room for anyone else.

    Monday (15th July....yesterday) we had a really smashing bunch of guys out looking for some Bass fishing, but once again the weather turned nasty, with 28 to 30 mph NE winds and it was difficult fishing conditions, but as seasoned anglers, there was no complaints, they just said to me,... your the Capt, just do what you can.

    So we thought for the first hour we would try going up river for some Bass, and we got a schoolie first chuck, it seemed a decent fish at first!!!, but the under all the weed, we saw the little fellow, a school Bass about 10 inches long...! but the boys plodded on, but the weed beat us in the end, so we moved 7 miles east on to another shallow bank, but not much happening there, one or two Rays, so once again, up anchor, and moved about 1.5 miles South, and lots of Rays, no Bass sadly, then at slack one of the lads Les, put on a piece of Herring and caught a cracking Gurnard. (Photo attached, but then the boys said they wanted to take on the weed again up river, and have another go for the Bass, so we went a little further up river to Osea island, and although the weed was not so bad, there was only little school Bass to be had, one or two slightly bigger ones, but still under size, but it must be said, that for there size on light tackle they do give great bites like fish 4 times their

    Well time is ticking on now, I got up early to write this report, but me and Nicola are once again due on the Vanishing Point-2 at 0800 hrs for another great fishing adventure with a returning party from a couple of weeks ago, and the have the boat booked for today, and tomorrow... Go Veer..!!

    I think at first people were afraid to enquire about the Vanishing Point-2 because she is an ultra modern, and mega expensive vessel (£700,000.00), that they thought they would not be able to afford to charter her, but the reality is, that she is roughly the same price as most Cat's operating in our area, so anyone can afford to come on her.

    If you fancy a fishing trip, either as a party, novice or experienced, just give me and Nicola a call and we would be happy to talk you through it....

    Right...... we are off fishing !!!!!, report back later with the days report............... Tight lines everyone..

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