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  • 02/09/2015 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    2 Sep 2015 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    Well like Ray Martin, I would agree, Saturday was lovely weather for a change and yep, we also had non stop action on the boat, strange as it is Herring is certainly the bait for the Roker, and like Ray said, all we got on Ragworm were doggies, and a few Whiting, Bass seem to be more on the lug-worm at the moment, and squid also a good all-round bait, taking Bass, and Roker. Monday the boys called early at 0630 to see what the weather was doing? so I looked out by window as I live 200 mtrs from the river Crouch and told the organizer it was blowing about 12-15 mph NE and raining, and he decided to cancel, and I didn't argue with him because it certainly would not be a great fishing day, and I didn't want to be seen to be ripping the party off by forcing the issue about going.... But... 10 minutes later I get a call from the other half of the party who were already halfway to Bradwell.??? and were horrified to hear I (apparently) had cancelled it, well I quickly explained I merely told the trip organizer the weather conditions, and he decided no one wanted to go..!!! well the lads on their way did not want to be cancelled and were prepared to pay for the whole boat and bait, even thought they had £90. worth of worm bait already, but were dedicated fishermen and I love em for it, so enthusiastic so we meet on the boat at 0915, I would have gone at 0600,but once again the organizer told me the boys didn't want to go early, and told them it was me who preferred the later start ...huh.. I wanted to get up in the shallows for the first of the flood tide for the Bass, sadly that didn't happen, but we did head out for the Maplin sands and pushing against a hard flooding tide but still made 22 knots and was on our first spot in just under an hour, and after a very wet 20 minutes we got our first bite ... a hound around 12 lbs a nice start, then we got a few more fairly quickly, then with an Easterly wind and a big hard flooding tide both together we slipped anchor, so had to re-position the boat, and it was like throwing a light switch the fish were gone, weather the noise of the anchor dragging, lifting it and dropping it again, disturbed the fish??? but we didn't get another bite so I made a move not far, but far enough on a clean bit of ground, and eventually we started getting a few bites again, Hounds, Roker, Doggies, Whiting... then at the top of the tide around 1400 we went back over the top of the sands to try for some Bass, which was what the guys really w

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