Latest Fishing Reports: England

  • 19/01/2014 Fishing Report by LESTER BAKER on Seawatch1 (Brightlingsea, Essex)

    19 Jan 2014 by LESTER BAKER

    Report on-board Seawatch1

    Out on Sunday 19/1/14 with Dean and his mates for Dans birthday, the guys fished well and were rewarded with some nice plump codling and whiting and a thornback ray

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  • 20/01/2014 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    20 Jan 2014 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    Just a quick message to all our anglers, sorry for the delay in getting Vanishing Point-2 (our brand new vessel) home to Bradwell, but after we finished our operations in the Irish sea in November, the winter Atlantic storms were brewing, and the sea state has made it unsafe to make the 700 nautical mile journey home to Essex.
    We are looking at the middle of March now to get her home to Bradwell, so thank you all so much for your continued support and constant phoning to try to book you trips on VP-2 it is really appreciated..!! But Nicola & I won’t keep you waiting much longer until the big Cat comes to a home port she has never seen yet..! Very exciting we can’t wait to show her off to you all, and hope you will be as impressed with this ultra-fine vessel as we are….. Until March then……Tight lines
    Terry & Nic…

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  • 19/01/2014 Fishing Report by Sam Cumming on Silver Spray II (Poole, Dorset)

    19 Jan 2014 by Sam Cumming

    Report on-board Silver Spray II

    Just like when I wrote last month’s report it is still quite mild for this time of year with the temperature nudging 8 or 9 degrees some days. Unfortunately high winds from the southwest and, as I’m sure you have noticed, plenty of rain have called most of my trips off. I managed to get out on 2 days before the New Year which resulted in some of the best winter fishing I have seen this season, typical that this good fishing should be going on during the worst weather period. 5 cod took a mix of squid and cuttlefish bait over the two trips ranging from 13-21lb. Along with these we saw plenty of by-catch in the form of whiting, rays, smoothound and bull huss. This winter I have seen more congers on the open ground than ever before, some days it’s not uncommon to see 20 or 30 whilst trying to target the cod. Last Saturdays trip came with neap tides and good weather which gave me the first chance to get out to the offshore banks and target the spur dogs. Lee Cullen managed top fish on the day with a fine 18lber, 7 other spurs also made an appearance. When the tide died away and the spurs went off the feed the fishing didn’t slow down with even more congers, whiting, blonde rays, bull huss and even a tope taking the mackerel and squid baits. Mark Turner got a welcome surprise when winding up to change his bait as half way up he hooked into a large squid, it was weighed ashore at 3lb 9oz!! Hopefully the worst of the weather is behind us and we can look forward to getting out to the offshore marks again soon.

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    Sat 28/09/2024 1 Space £610.00pp
    4 day alderney £610 - 1 spot has become available. Tope pollock couches bream black bream red bream turbot brill etc 1 space limited to 7 Bass / Black Sea Bream / Couch's Sea Bream / Pollock / Turbot.
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    Sun 29/09/2024 1 Space £610.00pp
    4 day alderney £610 - 1 spot has become available. Tope pollock couches bream black bream red bream turbot brill etc 1 space limited to 7 Bass / Black Sea Bream / Couch's Sea Bream / Pollock / Turbot.
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    Mon 30/09/2024 1 Space £610.00pp
    4 day alderney £610 - 1 spot has become available. Tope pollock couches bream black bream red bream turbot brill etc 1 space limited to 7 Bass / Black Sea Bream / Couch's Sea Bream / Pollock / Turbot.
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    Tue 01/10/2024 1 Space £610.00pp
    4 day alderney £610 - 1 spot has become available. Tope pollock couches bream black bream red bream turbot brill etc 1 space limited to 7 Bass / Black Sea Bream / Couch's Sea Bream / Pollock / Turbot.
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    Wed 09/10/2024 1 Space 8 Hours £65.00pp
    Seniors club 1 spaces- blonde Ray's bass bream etc
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    Tue 15/10/2024 4 Spaces £120.00pp
    bass fishing on floats - £120 4 spaces 7 anglers max. Bass.
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    Thu 17/10/2024 1 Space £120.00pp
    bass fishing on floats - £120 1 spaces 7 anglers max. Bass.
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    Mon 21/10/2024 6 Spaces £120.00pp
    bass fishing on floats - £120 6 spaces 7 anglers max. Bass.
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    Tue 22/10/2024 6 Spaces £80.00pp
    Squid fishing maybe a session at anchor also £80 6 spaces
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    Mon 28/10/2024 2 Spaces £100.00pp
    Purbecks bream rays sharks bass etc £100 2 spaces 7 anglers max. Bass / Black Sea Bream / Porbeagle / Blonde Ray.
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  • 15/01/2014 Fishing Report by Rich Cope on Mistress (Whitby, North Yorkshire)

    15 Jan 2014 by Rich Cope

    Report on-board Mistress

    only a few lads booked on today, so uptiding was again the order of the day.

    It was a slow start to the day with us only taking a few fish in the morning despite moving around 4 or 5 marks.
    we had a couple of fish stolen by a seal that was pestering us!

    as we got a change in tide and another move we finally shook the seal and started getting a lot more bites and a few more fish boated.

    with what turned out to be the final move of the day we hit a mad hour and everyone boated several cod to finish the day on a high note!
    No big ones today all fish were between 2lb and 4lb. we finished up with a rod average of 7 cod per man, not a brilliant day but everyone left happy

    best bait again was black gully worm tipped with squid

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  • 11/01/2014 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    11 Jan 2014 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    John Billett age 47 from Frome in Somerset landed his personal best Bull Huss weighing 15Ib 9oz which also beat the previous Flamer record by 9oz.. John was using 20Ib class tackle and the successful bait was a cocktail of Ammo squid and mackerel mounted on a pennel rig of 6/0 and 4/0 Sakuma hooks.The big Bull Huss was released alive to grow bigger.Johns Big Bully was just one of the many good size Bull Huss and Rays caught on recent trips fishing the Reefs and Banks off Weymouth.

    The Next Reef/Bank Trip with places available are on Saturday February 1st - DON'T MISS OUT - BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW.


    Lots of dates available for individuals.

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  • 12/01/2014 Fishing Report by jon old on High Flyer 2 (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk)

    12 Jan 2014 by jon old

    Report on-board High Flyer 2

    Today the forcast was bit unsure with conflicting wind directions so decided to play safe after yesterdays drama, headed down to the Southern end of the Roads, only plonkers there! Started well really with whiting from the start reasonably regular but couldnt connect with any codling today. The best result of the day was Ian pictured here with a lovely perfect condition lobster around 2lb mark perfectly hooked, i was more surprised probably than Ian, have caught a few before but not this close to shore in the middle of winter! The wind started to pick up and started swinging SE , our worst wind here bad for swell plus getting back in the harbour. I knew we would lose the day after slack so decided to flatty bash on the mud while we could and had a nice little result with some lovely fish, whiting mixed in, everyone getting a bit of sport. After a wave came over the side desicion made , headed in for 2 pm, but was enjoyable ,home early few fish and a great bunch of lads. Thanks to Chris,Richard and young Ryan appreciate you travelling down, also David,Ian,Chris,David Mills,Pete, and not forgetting lucky sod Ian (Posh) Mann who feasted on fresh lobster which we will probably never hear the end of! Thanks men , not a bad day in all. Cheers, Jon. (High Flyer)

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    Sun 22/09/2024 1 Space 8 Hours £60.00pp
    1 places left
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    Sun 06/10/2024 2 Spaces £60.00pp
    2 places left
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    Wed 09/10/2024 8 Spaces £60.00pp
    8 places left
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    Sat 19/10/2024 3 Spaces £60.00pp
    3 places left
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  • 11/01/2014 Fishing Report by jon old on High Flyer 2 (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk)

    11 Jan 2014 by jon old

    Report on-board High Flyer 2

    Plans today were the 12 mile bank so headed out , 6 miles out decided to fish a shallower bank till the tide slackened off, unfortunately the wind came from nowhere making things very uncomfortable and left no alternative but to head in. Quite disappointed tons of fresh bait aboard, hermits, herrings, peelers, along with hundreds of lug, tail between the legs to the safety of the Roads again!! Anchored up bit further out today slightly deeper, paid off with cracking 2lb whiting for Rob , nice codling for Shannon, pictured here on todays report, also reasonable size pouting not very often caught in close ,normally associated with wreck fishing. Ended up fishing the sandy beds up the top to finish the day off with more whiting and flatties, not a bad day really for inshore fishing just wish the codling were thicker on the ground but still got 7 degrees water temp not good for our cold loving cod. Thanks to all the lads for coming out today, pity we didnt get to where we planned but were all home safe ready for next time and thats all that matters. Just hoping we get a break soon to let us do some distance and try our luck further out. All the best. Jon. (High Flyer)

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    Sun 22/09/2024 1 Space 8 Hours £60.00pp
    1 places left
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    Sun 06/10/2024 2 Spaces £60.00pp
    2 places left
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    Wed 09/10/2024 8 Spaces £60.00pp
    8 places left
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    Sat 19/10/2024 3 Spaces £60.00pp
    3 places left
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  • 11/01/2014 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    11 Jan 2014 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    Andy Collings age 58 from Weymouth landed three personal Bests on his latest trip on Flamer IV. He caught the PB's while fishing at anchor on two different marks. On a Reef to the east of Portland he landed a 4Ib 12oz Spotted Ray and then a 10Ib 2oz Bull Huss.Then while fishing on a Bank to the east of Weymouth he landed a 17Ib 15oz Undulate Ray to complete the trio of Personal Bests. All the fish were returned alive. Andy was using 20Ib class tackle and the successful bait was a cocktail of Ammo squid and mackerel mounted on a Pennell rig of Sakuma 6/0 and 4/0 hooks.

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  • 14/01/2014 Fishing Report by brian poppy on Cleveland Princess (Lowestoft, Suffolk)

    14 Jan 2014 by brian poppy

    Report on-board Cleveland Princess

    Had a play with the spratt nets today with a nice bit of fish that we can put in the smoker after we have had a sample in the pan,after 3 drifts we fished off the s/holm had a few yting and dabs it was a good with the sun shining down on us,if you would like a trip with us getting the net in the water let us know bp

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  • 13/01/2014 Fishing Report by Rich Cope on Mistress (Whitby, North Yorkshire)

    13 Jan 2014 by Rich Cope

    Report on-board Mistress

    Even given the small tides here at Whitby this weekend, we still produced the good for our anglers here on Mistress.

    On saturday we had Preston Sea Angling Club with us, it was a slow start due to the tide taking its time getting going, but once it did with a few moves we found some steady sport. losing a few to a stealthy seal we never saw!
    Nothing massive landed, the biggest went around 7lb 8oz for Nigel.
    In total we took 30 codlings for the day. plus plenty of pouting and whiting.

    the best bait was worm and squid, this combo has by far been the most consistent this winter!

    Monday we sailed again with only 4 lads onboard booked in at last minute,
    We headed the other direction and caught the last of the ebb tide, getting straight into the fish.
    we lost one to a seal that must have been sat under the boat! the lad with the net got a bit of a fright!
    Again steady fishing produced over 30 cod for the lads, the best angler taking 14 cod.

    We got a surprise Doggy, we dont get many off our shores so always welcome. pleanty fo pouting and whitings too.

    best bait again worm and squid.

    Pictured is Matt Breen from York with a nice brace of Cod caught on Monday, well done mate, we can always count on you to whistle a few out!

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