Latest Fishing Reports: Durham

  • 15/06/2013 Fishing Report by David Lumley on TRIO lll (Hartlepool, Durham)

    15 Jun 2013 by David Lumley

    Report on-board TRIO lll

    Hi Everyone,
    Here at Hartlepool fishing continues be be full on with shad fishing now starting to really explode as the water starts to clear
    lets hope the winds stay off the land and keep the water clean
    so come on guys jump aboard while there is still room

    we fished the hard ground marks today as it was a bit blustery and every caught fish nothing big the best around 8lb but plenty in the 2-4lb bracket the picture is of a fraction of my haul all caught on the little green fellow a very brave soldier he was lol

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  • 15/06/2013 Fishing Report by lee deboer on Ocean explorer (Hartlepool, Durham)

    15 Jun 2013 by lee deboer

    Report on-board Ocean explorer

    Well what a change,for what seamed ages in the cod catch rate over the past few weeks some people were actually catching cod .
    The day started slow with only a few fish being caught in the morning on rough ground and as the wind started to increase , it was very hard to do any wreck fishing,so we continued to use the marks we had on our plotter to target some good ground that produced a good few cod well into the afternoon.
    Most fish caught were from 4.5lb to just over 7lb , but nice fresh cod they were too.
    No sign of any mackerel yet on any of the ground we covered today , but if the cod are late , so must be the mackerel .
    To sum up it was a good day for most on board today ,with over 20+ cod being caught , and me only catching a single cod,as did the skipper .........................Oh and the skipper Lee catching a extra one ........................a large rock...........hahahaha

    Brian Sowerby (crew member )

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  • 09/06/2013 Fishing Report by Robert Archer on Lady Grace (Hartlepool, Durham)

    9 Jun 2013 by Robert Archer

    Report on-board Lady Grace

    We set off at seven sharp, hit a couple of wrecks and fishing was quiet at first and then we manged to find a few on another wreck. There was some nice fish around the 8lb mark and a nice ling at around the 7lb mark. From then on the fishing just got better. We headed out a bit to have look on some ground and ended the day with 48 cod from 2lb upto 9lb mark and a ling 7lb and also some nice 2lb coalies which was nice to see and plenty of other undersize cod and ling returned safely.

    Rob Lady Grace Charters

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  • 14/05/2013 Fishing Report by David Lumley on TRIO lll (Hartlepool, Durham)

    14 May 2013 by David Lumley

    Report on-board TRIO lll

    Hi every one just to let you all know that fishing here at Hartlepool seems to be on the up with my over vessel going out on the 14th May with myself as skipper and the lads managed a reasonable day despite windy conditions
    Just in case you don't look at famous catch report I have put it on here as well

    "At last here at Hartlepool the fishing has started to improve we headed out today with windy conditions but with the forecast giving the winds dying down so we headed out to the local grounds and what a nice surprise
    We managed to catch about 30-40 cod falling to most baits shads and pirks most of the cod were in the 2-4lb range with a nice specimen of one just over 12lb

    lets hope this is the sign we have been all waiting for"

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  • 14/05/2013 Fishing Report by Dave Lumley on Famous (Hartlepool, Durham)

    14 May 2013 by Dave Lumley

    Report on-board Famous

    At last here at Hartlepool the fishing has started to improve we headed out today with windy conditions but with the forecast giving the winds dying down so we headed out to the local grounds and what a nice surprise
    We managed to catch about 30-40 cod falling to most baits shads and pirks most of the cod were in the 2-4lb range with a nice specimen of one just over 12lb

    lets hope this is the sign we have been all waiting for

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  • 06/05/2013 Fishing Report by Bernard Walls on T.J.Gannet (Hartlepool, Durham)

    6 May 2013 by Bernard Walls

    Report on-board T.J.Gannet

    Hi all
    Just a quick report for the bank holiday. Sunday 5th went from mark to mark and wreck to wreck for next to nothing all day until we dropped on to a mark for the last hour. We then got half a dozen cod all around the 3lb mark. Monday 6th
    Went straight back to the last mark from yesterday and started catching cod straight away. All still around 3lb then we had a couple around 4lb. After a couple of hours we decided to have a move, looking for something a little bigger but to no avail. We ended moving back to original mark and started catching cod around the same size plus a small pollock and an octopus! Ended up with 14 cod (+ 4 put back in) 1 pollock, 1 octopus, 5 pouting and the obligatory half doz whiting.
    Hope to see you all soon

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  • 20/10/2012 Fishing Report by David Lumley on TRIO lll (Hartlepool, Durham)

    20 Oct 2012 by David Lumley

    Report on-board TRIO lll

    Another great weekend here at Hartlepool aboard the Ali-cat

    The weather over this weekend was just fabulous for this time of year the sun was shinning and clear skies with flat seas an unusual combination this year

    The fishing was slow but we still managed a good few mackeral for bait then off to the fishing grounds for the real fishing

    We managed to catch fish through out the day with fish coming aboard from most places we tried all the lads ended up with ling or cod or both and every one had a great day

    Her's rolley with what was the best cod of the day a nice 9lber


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  • 11/10/2012 Fishing Report by David Lumley on TRIO lll (Hartlepool, Durham)

    11 Oct 2012 by David Lumley

    Report on-board TRIO lll

    Well again we were out fishing yesterday when the others were just thinking about it
    and it proved to be another great success

    Mackerel were a bit scarce but the lads brought plenty of bait with them proving invaluable

    with plenty of cod and ling coming aboard on every drift

    the best cod was about 8lb and best ling about 12lb

    Heres a photo of one lads catch what another great day

    Well done guys

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  • 09/2012 Fishing Report by Bernard Walls on T.J.Gannet (Hartlepool, Durham)

    Sep 2012 by Bernard Walls

    Report on-board T.J.Gannet

    Just a few pics of Marty and a couple of mates. It has taken a while to get them out but it was worth it, i hope.Pics are from 2 days in September 2012. The cod are starting to be replaced with some nice ling, ( well done on the 17 and a half pounder Marty) still mackerel about and some nice pollock.

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  • 23/09/2012 Fishing Report by Brian Sowerby on Ocean explorer (Hartlepool, Durham)

    23 Sep 2012 by Brian Sowerby

    Report on-board Ocean explorer

    The morning started off with a flat sea state as we set off out of the marina , with hardly a breath of wind .
    Stopping at a chosen mark to fill the bait boxes with mackerel,we headed out even further , the very first drop produced a nice Ling for Denis Bray of around 9lb , and a few cod came in , again around the 8-9lb ,as the day got on the wind started to freshen up , and the sea state became choppy , and a little rough ,but this produced some nice fish , and a ling of 19.2oz to David .
    As the afternoon came Lee (skipper ) continued to find the fish, and we were into some good Cod 7-9lb , and Ling into double figures , the fish continued for a couple of hours as we moved around the ground ,by this time the sea was getting a bit on the large side ,and it was getting difficult to hold bottom very well , so we headed back to the marine.
    All in all it was a good days fishing for everyone on board ,and everyone took home fish.

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