Charter Boat: Galloper

Boat and Skipper Details

Licensed For: up to 10 passengers
Code Of Practice: 60 mile
Hours: 3hr / 4hr / 5hr / 6hr / 7hr / 8hr / 9hr / 10hr / 11hr / 12hr / 24hr / Multiple Days Trips
Type of Fishing: boat casting, uptide, downtide and drift ,offshore -spurdog, cod,bass and tope trips although anything can be arranged to suit your needs.
Tackle Available: Yes - Contact Skipper
Bait Available: Yes - Contact Skipper
Boat Specification: blyth 33 catamaran
Facilities: very hot kettle,heated wheelhouse,toilet,spray cover,live well, tackle and bait available. car park next to floating pontoon access.
Additional Description:

We have recently purchased a blyth 33 catamaran powered by two 8.2litre doosan engines capable of cruising 16-18knts with a flat out speed over 23knts. the blyth catamaran is a fast modern boat comfortable both at anchor and under steam. She has some indoor seating a toilet accessible at deck level and spray cover to keep you drier and more comfortable. we have a live well on deck and seating for more than 10 people on deck.
with a beam of 5 meters there is loads of deck room even with 10 anglers on board.


most trips run from 6.30-7.30am untill 16.30-17.30 at night although if you book the boat we can arrange times around you. we also offer night trips from 17.30-12.30am at night and evening trips in the river from 17.30-21.30 in the estuary. these are available upon request and we can arrange trips to suit your requirements.
we have hire tackle available with penn fixed spool reels at £10 per rod per day.

for further information available dates, gallery, weekly reports and more please visit my website

Galloper Skipper scott belbin's Photo
About the Skipper:

I have fished since I could hold a rod and grew up aboard my dads charter boats in the 90's. as I got older I took my Orkney longliner out and my dads boats when I got the chance. I am obsessed with fishing I have no other real hobbies and just about any free time I have is devoted to fishing related activities. This may sound abit sad but as I enjoy all kinds of fishing I have little time for anything else. My real passion is for sea angling but if I had more time I would like to spend a little more time fresh water fishing aswell.the first 'galloper' was bought by myself and my dad back in 2007.she was a brinkliner 28 and kept me busy for a couple of years. My wife stacey and i bought the second 'Galloper' back in march 2009 she was an aquastar 33 and we ran her untill 2013 when we bought our evolution 33 also named 'galloper' and the evolution did very well over the next six and a half years.
early in 2019 we bought a blyth 33 and spent 10 months completely overhauling her to bring her up to the standard we like to give our customers. the bltyh catamaran is a vary stable and spacios platform which is very popular with the anglers for her speed, room and stability.
i look forward to many good trips aboard her over the coming years. Although I'm only in my 30'sI have plenty of experience as a skipper as before all of this i was running my dads boats since I got my Yachtmasters Offshore licence when I was 17. before that I was taking his boat out with my grandad or brothers or friends whenever I could. I like to think that all of this along with many holidays spent fishing other venues has helped to give me a large amount of experience and knowledge for my age.

April 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Color for Fully Booked
Fully Booked
Color for Available
Whole Boat Available
Color for Partially Booked
Partially Booked (Individual Spaces)
Color for Whole Boat or Individuals
Whole Boat or Individuals
Color for Not Available
Color for Unspecified

N.B. Not all Skippers keep this dairy up-to-date. Always check with skippers before making any plans. Last calendar update: 30-Aug-2024

Mon 1st Apr

Make Enquiry

Tue 2nd Apr

Make Enquiry

Wed 3rd Apr

Make Enquiry

Thu 4th Apr

Make Enquiry

Fri 5th Apr

Make Enquiry

Sat 6th Apr

Fully Booked More Details

Sun 7th Apr

Individual Spaces
2 spaces @ £55pp max 8 anglers
More Details

Mon 8th Apr

Make Enquiry

Tue 9th Apr

Make Enquiry

Wed 10th Apr

Fully Booked More Details

Thu 11th Apr

Make Enquiry

Fri 12th Apr

Make Enquiry

Sat 13th Apr

Fully Booked More Details

Sun 14th Apr

Individual Spaces
offshore trip 1 spaces @ £80pp max 6 anglers
More Details

Mon 15th Apr

Make Enquiry

Tue 16th Apr

Make Enquiry

Wed 17th Apr

Make Enquiry

Thu 18th Apr

Fully Booked More Details

Fri 19th Apr

Individual Spaces
1 spaces @ £55pp max 8 anglers
More Details

Sat 20th Apr

Fully Booked

More Details

Sun 21st Apr

Fully Booked More Details

Mon 22nd Apr

Whole Boat Available More Details

Tue 23rd Apr

Make Enquiry

Wed 24th Apr

Make Enquiry

Thu 25th Apr

Make Enquiry

Fri 26th Apr

Make Enquiry

Sat 27th Apr

Individual Spaces
1 space @ £65pp max 6 anglers (poss offshore with price adjusted)
More Details

Sun 28th Apr

Individual Spaces
3 spaces @ £55pp max 8 anglers
More Details

Mon 29th Apr

Fully Booked More Details

Tue 30th Apr

Fully Booked More Details

Upcoming Individual Spaces on Galloper

Mon 23/09/2024 2 Spaces 12 Hours £250.00pp
Blue fin tuna fishing operating from Plymouth yacht haven individual spaces £250
View details
Tue 24/09/2024 3 Spaces £250.00pp
Blue fin tuna fishing operating from Plymouth yacht haven individual spaces £250
View details
Sat 19/10/2024 4 Spaces £100.00pp
Offshore bass trip 4 spaces @ £100pp plus bait
View details
Sun 20/10/2024 7 Spaces £60.00pp
7 Spaces @ £60pp
View details
View more availability on the Full Calendar



5-star 20
4-star 1
3-star 0
2-star 0
1-star 0
  • 5-star Aaron Stevens (24/04/2021)

    First time out with scot and had an amazing day ! Very professional and aware or everything happening throughout the day,
    Ready to help and assisted at a secondary notice!
    The boat was spotless and he had no problems finding the fish ! 5 starts well earnt ! Will be back !

    Skippers Reponse: cheers Aaron, glad you had a nice day. look forwards to seeing you again.

  • 5-star Nick Hills (24/11/2019)

    Another great days fishing aboard Galloper with Thornbacks and whiting plus a pb for Kaz! Cheers Scott see you next week (don’t forget my worms)

    Skippers Reponse: glad you enjoyed it nick. see you at the weekend.

  • 5-star Nick Hills (03/11/2019)

    Thanks Scott fantastic days fishing on your new boat. Can’t wait for the next trip out with the boys.

    Skippers Reponse: glad you enjoyed it nick, nice to see you getting back into it. see you next time.

  • 5-star Greg Mallia (07/04/2019)

    Excellent Skipper went with two non fisherman friends and he could not do enough to help them, which let me get on with my fishing. Mind you think I should have got some help as they caught more than me.

    Skippers Reponse: i'm glad you enjoyed your day Greg. thank you for taking the time to review your experience. best leave the others behind next time!!

  • 5-star Simon Lewis (11/11/2018)

    We had a fantastic day out fishing with Scott. Very friendly and extremely helpful to us novices. Coffee and tea served regularly throughout the day. All in all, one brilliant day and will definitely be going again.
    Cheers Scott, you made my mates 60th birthday present a memorable one

Bait & Tackle

Latest Catches 1,368 photos uploaded


2 oz Bluefin Tuna


2 oz Bass


2 oz Bass


2 oz Stingray (Common)


2 oz Stingray (Common)


2 oz Stingray (Common)


2 oz Stingray (Common)


2 oz Stingray (Common)


2 oz Conger Eel


2 oz Stingray (Common)


2 oz Stingray (Common)


2 oz Dover Sole


2 oz Bass


2 oz Bass


2 oz Bass


2 oz Bass


Latest Fishing Reports and News

  • 19/09/2024 Fishing Report by Scott Belbin

    19 Sep 2024 by Scott Belbin

    We have been really enjoying our time down here in Falmouth. It's been everything we hoped for and in general the weather has been kind to us. After several years of bad weather on our south coast adventures it's been very welcome. We even managed to sneak offshore for a long trip which requires a lot of ducks to line up. The conditions were far from perfect but they were good enough and the fishing was amazing. From the first drop we were catching decent fish and getting bites non stop. While we were still getting settled there were double and treble shots of spurs dogs coming out as well as a cracking haddock for Steve hill. One of the big rods took us by surprise as it arched over having been down just minutes. The one unrolled and spat the hook which was a shame but as it turned out not the end of the world. We quickly discovered that blue sharks were very plentiful despite having no chum out! We nicked a couple here and there but only put a rod over as pest control every now and then when they were becoming a nuisance. Steve hill posed for a picture of the smallest against his will but there were several 50-80lb fish there too. The k were on the baits pretty quickly to be honest and for a while it was a fish or bite or dropped fish every drop. They varied in size a fair bit and we only measured the wingspan of biggest which was 48 inches and pretty deep too. Nick had this one as one of many firsts for him on the trip. As darkness fell the sea was alive with saury on the surface which would scatter as a shark passed by. We also had a saury jump in the boat. We managed a porgie pup to finish the trip too. We had 8 skate to the boat and lost another 4/5 probably skate or maybe bigger fish. This was well worth the trip, far more life than I expected and I can't wait to head back when I can.
    I was surprised that we didn't see any tuna, that's probably because most of them are back inshore where we have been catching them! In fairness we tried lives for them while we were offshore but we couldn't get through the blues. I wish I had that problem at home!
    Please call 07956411528 for tuna availability over the next few weeks from Plymouth

  • 11/09/2024 Fishing Report by Scott Belbin

    11 Sep 2024 by Scott Belbin

    The rest of the lads joined us for their first day in Falmouth today. The weather wasn't amazing so we planned an easy day inshore.
    We started off looking for mackerel and reef fish. After a few Pollock, poor cod, cuckoo wrasse, scad, mackerel and a john dory we could see birds and tuna working very close in and couldn't resist having a go for them. Luckily we put some basic gear aboard just in case.
    So we had a quick tidy up of the deck and got things organised. I wasn't long before the first tuna was making the accurate scream. This was a powerful fish and a handful on stand up gear and a rocking boat. After leading us on a pretty good dance we had it alongside the galloper to be measured, photographed and released. It was a nice fish of 75 inches and pretty plump too. Not bad for Steve's first one.
    The fish had gathered again and we had another run through hooking up straight away. This fish was determined to empty most of the reel as we got the other gear out of the way. Unfortunately this one didn't want to hang around and so Stephen had to bring several hundred yards of line back in with no fish attached. He did say this was probably easier than having a tuna attached though. The fish broke up a bit after this and we decided not to get distracted by tuna and concentrate on the other species. We anchored a wreck and had a nice long to start with, some congers, whiting and pouting before heading home. We are meant to be general fishing the next few days but the tuna fishing is pretty hot at the moment so we might try and sneak one or two more out before starting our proper tuna trips.
    We have the following availability for tuna fishing from Plymouth currently
    20/09- full boat available
    24/09- 2 spaces
    30/09- boat available
    01/10- boat available
    02/10- boat available
    03/10- boat available
    08/10- boat available
    10/10- 2 spaces
    11/10- 1 space
    14/10- boat available
    Boat bookings £1000 and individual spaces £250pp please call 07956411528

  • 05/09/2024 Fishing Report by Scott Belbin

    5 Sep 2024 by Scott Belbin

    With our journey south and tuna trips getting closer we've been getting Galloper ready this week. The outriggers suddenly make her look more like a big game boat. We have individual spaces and boat bookings available tuna fishing from Plymouth from 20/09. Please get in touch if you want to join us on 07956411528 for more information

  • 23/08/2024 Fishing Report by Scott Belbin

    23 Aug 2024 by Scott Belbin

    Sorry I haven't posted much lately. To be honest I've been very busy and didn't want to turn more people away. There's been some lovely variety coming out over the last week or two. We've seen some more stingrays and our biggest by far the other night. Mark had a plaice on a general trip and we've seen a few small thornback rays. Stanley had one just the right size for him. The bass fishing has been good inshore and offshore lately depending on the tides and there have been some nice hounds too. I have a few spaces over the next couple of weeks before I head south for tuna and more. If you want to join us here in brightlingsea or for tuna in Plymouth please get in touch.
    Next spaces are
    25/08- 2 spaces @ £60pp
    27/08- offshore bass trip 4 spaces @ £100pp plus bait
    29/08- 4 spaces @ £60pp
    I also have individual spaces and boat bookings available for tuna in Plymouth
    Please contact me on 07956411528 for more information

  • 18/08/2024 Fishing Report by Scott Belbin

    18 Aug 2024 by Scott Belbin

    Sorry I haven't been on here much this week or so but I have been very busy on the boat and at home.
    We have been making the most of the good weather and catching some nice fish. There have been a few different species although most trips are made up with bass and hounds.
    Our offshore trips are mainly targeting bass from now until December and we have seen some great shoals of fish working at times (though not always that easy to catch) and the bait fishing has been good at times too.
    I have spaces this week on general trips and next week offshore bass trips and general trips. Please contact me to check availability by phone
    Next spaces
    20/08- 4 spaces @ £60pp
    27/08- offshore bass trip 5 spaces @ £100pp
    29/08- general trip 8 spaces @ £60pp
    Please call 07956411528 for more information. Not all dates advertised